
‘The Campaign for "Votes for Women" and the English Radical Tradition’ with Di Drummond and LCVS

  • Monday 15 June 2020

  • 6:00PM - 7:30PM


Join us on campus as we explore English radicalism within the 'suffragette' and 'suffragist' movements with Di Drummond.


What’s happening?

While the ‘suffragettes’ members of organisations such as the Women's Social and Political Union, were renowned for their militancy, the suffragists, those who campaigned for votes for women by permitted constitutional means, are usually not. Yet both wings of the women's campaign between 1866 and 1914, drew on the long tradition of English radicalism. This event explores not just how those demanding the parliamentary vote for women employed this radical tradition, but how they redefined and extended this, framing it as feminism, as they did so.


Leeds Trinity University, Brownberrie Lane, Horsforth, Leeds, LS18 5HD (AG21)


This event has been postponed due to the current climate.

Monday 15 June 6.00pm

Who should attend?

All with an interest in this era/field of study are welcome to attend. It will be of particular interest to members of the Leeds Centre for Victorian Studies, and post-graduate students.

Further information?

To find out more or to book your place, please email Jane de Gay.
