
Beyond the Dark Clouds Lecture Series - Catholic Social Teaching: Civilizing Economic Life

  • Monday 22 May 2023

  • 7:00PM - 8:30PM


About this event

This is the third lecture in the 'Beyond the Dark Clouds' lecture series - "Catholic Social Teaching: Civilizing Economic Life". This lecture will be given by Professor Philip Booth, Professor of Public Policy, St Mary's Twickenham.

Philip is a well-known professor of Finance, Public Policy and Ethics. As Director of Catholic Mission at St Mary’s Twickenham, Philip works to embed the mission of the University through its teaching and research and promotes engagement with a wide range of organisations which can work with St. Mary’s University in contributing to society and to Catholic public life. He teaches and researches in fields related to economics, political economy, business ethics and Catholic social teaching. He also works for the Institute of Economic Affairs as Senior Academic Fellow and has recently taken on a new role as Director of Policy and Research with the Bishop’s Conference.

The aim of our inaugural lecture series 'Beyond the Dark Clouds' is to support the university, with its Catholic roots, to have a voice in the public square about justice, law-enforcement, the police, the nature of education, business ethics, spirituality, leadership and contemplation and the arts. Open to all, we encourage you to be a part of these public discussions about how to humanise our world and to bring about the conditions that enable the flourishing of all individuals and groups.


Booking for this event has now ended. To view the full lecture schedule alongside other university events, please see our Eventbrite page.

Further Information

For more information please email Ann Marie Mealey (

