About this event
This is the last lecture in the 'Beyond the Dark Clouds' lecture series - "Hope as Encounter: Is Gaudium et Spes Burned Out with its Joy and Hope?". This lecture will be given by Sir John Battle, Pro Chancellor for Leeds Trinity University.
The Rt Hon Sir John Battle KC*SG is a Fellow of Blackfriars Hall and a member of the Advisory Board of the Las Casas Institute. He was a Member of Parliament. From 1999-2001 he was Minister of State at the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office and from 1997 to 1999 Minister for Science, Energy and Technology. From 2001 to 2007 he was the UK Prime Minister’s Envoy to the Faith Communities. In 2017, he was appointed Pro Chancellor at Leeds Trinity University. He is currently chairing a successful social enterprise business Bramley Community Baths, and working on local community based housing cooperative development in Leeds.
Before entering Parliament, Battle was a leading anti-poverty campaigner and Director of Church Action on Poverty. He is currently chair of Leeds Diocesan Justice and Peace Commission and chair of newly formed ‘Leeds Citizens’ and active in the local community anti-poverty campaigns in Leeds. Recent lectures include to the OECD, at the European Commission and at Oxford University.
The aim of our inaugural lecture series 'Beyond the Dark Clouds' is to support the university, with its Catholic roots, to have a voice in the public square about justice, law-enforcement, the police, the nature of education, business ethics, spirituality, leadership and contemplation and the arts. Open to all, we encourage you to be a part of these public discussions about how to humanise our world and to bring about the conditions that enable the flourishing of all individuals and groups.
To book your place, click here.
Further Information
For more information please email Ann Marie Mealey (a.mealey@leedstrinity.ac.uk) or to view the full lecture schedule alongside other university events, click here.