Biomedical science students conducting an experiement using a pipette and test tube..

Year of study


Key details

Start date(s)
September 2025
Main Campus (Horsforth)
Health and Life Sciences
UCAS tariff points
Study Mode
Full-time (3 years)
Study abroad

Experts trained in biomedical science have recently discovered, designed and developed novel lateral flow tests and vaccines to support the diagnosis and treatment of disease.

Our Biomedical Science degree will enable you to develop the knowledge and skills needed to join these experts and contribute to the future of scientific testing and study of disease.

The Student Contract

About this course

On this course, you’ll gain a solid understanding of how the human body works, studying the molecular, cellular and organ-level processes that take place. You’ll also learn about the pathological changes that occur in disease and compounds that can be measured to aid diagnosis, as well as some of the latest technologies being applied by biomedical scientists to improve diagnoses and treatments.

During your course, you’ll have the opportunity to spend five weeks taking part in a Biomedical Employer-Led Challenge, a real-life scenario provided by local employers in the Biomedical sector, or on an external work placement.  Whichever you choose, you'll be able to improve your employability and evaluate the skills that employers require.

In your final year you’ll carry out your own research project and look at how research can be applied to commercial settings.

Practical aspects of laboratory diagnosis and treatment are fundamental to the course. You’ll study the mechanisms underlying disease and how to apply this understanding to diagnosis and treatment while developing the practical laboratory skills needed to pursue a biomedical science career in a range of disciplines.

You’ll learn and practise these essential practical skills through teaching sessions in our new purpose-built laboratory facilities using specialist scientific equipment. Alongside laboratory training, you’ll also consider the variety of computer techniques involved in bioinformatics and how they are applied across the biotechnology and pharmaceutical industries.

You’ll be taught by research-active academics and be able to conduct research alongside these biomedical science experts as part of your degree.


Institution of Biomedical Science Logo.

This course is accredited by the Institute of Biomedical Science (IBMS).

IBMS degree accreditation guarantees that a degree programme meets the academic requirements of the standards of proficiency set by the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC) for biomedical scientists. This ensures that students receive a comprehensive, research-based scientific education and gain practical skills and experience that are highly valued by employers.

Why study with us?

  • High levels of practical content and assessment to help prepare you for your career
  • Research-informed teaching delivered by academics with experience and expertise in biomedical science
  • Develop key laboratory skills in purpose-built facilities
  • This programme has been designed based on the QAA subject benchmarking for Biomedical Science, covering the key areas required by professional bodies in this subject area
Two students in lab coats speaking to a Biomedical Science lecturer.

Course modules

You will study a variety of modules across your programme of study. The module details given below are subject to change and are the latest example of the curriculum available on this course of study.

Year 1

During your first year, you will study six core modules.

Biomedical Science Skills - Core

Develop a range of fundamental study and practical skills including numeracy, information literacy, writing abilities and essential study skills that will be applied throughout your degree and into your career.

You’ll develop laboratory skills, emphasise safety protocols and good laboratory practice, and acquire core competencies in the use of key laboratory equipment.

Cell Biology - Core

You’ll gain in-depth knowledge of cellular biology, encompassing the structural and functional features of both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells.

You’ll examine an extensive range of human cell types in addition to stem cells and their specialisation.

Explore the structure and function of cellular organelles, the cell membrane, the cell cycle and the process of cellular division and study the contributions of distinct cell types to tissue function and the human anatomical structure.

Systems Physiology - Core

You’ll be introduced to the human anatomy and physiology where you’ll explore the structure and function of key body systems including musculoskeletal, circulatory, respiratory, digestive, renal, urogenital, nervous and endocrine system.

You’ll cover the role of the immune system, the regulation and inter-dependence between tissues and organs of the systems in health and disease, the hormonal and neurological control mechanisms and the fundamentals of developmental and reproductive biology including infertility and embryology.

Practical sessions will contain a combination of both laboratory practical and sports laboratory experiments to cover a range of systems physiology, biochemistry, and microbiology experiments.

Professional Skills - Core

Develop the professional competencies essential in the field of Biomedical Science, encompassing data analysis and interpretation, presentation of data and an introduction to statistical analysis.

You’ll cover basic concepts of biophysics and chemistry relevant to Biomedical Science and explore concepts of disease cohorts, bioinformatics and handling extensive datasets.

You’ll take part in the University wide Professional Challenge which will help develop your collaborative, communicative and problem-solving skills through a series of tasks presented by external organisations.

Microbiology and Genetics - Core

Explore the structural and functional aspects of prokaryotic and eukaryotic microorganisms, including bacteria, fungi, protozoa and viruses.

Learn about the mechanisms governing gene transfer, microbial growth and survival, as well as the pivotal role of microorganisms in the disease, strategies for treatments and bacterial responses to antibiotics. Study the central dogma of DNA transcription, translation and replication as well as the mechanisms of inheritance and evolution. 

You’ll take part in laboratory practical sessions which will include techniques for growth, differentiation and identification of microorganisms. You’ll study techniques that identify types of microorganisms by their growth characteristics and responses to various chemicals including anti-microbial agents.


Molecular Biochemistry - Core

Understand the main macromolecules present in the human body in addition to an introduction to metabolic processes including how cells generate energy from the breakdown of carbohydrates.

You’ll be introduced to the concept of cell signalling with specific emphasis on the pivotal role played by enzymes.

Year 2

During your second year, you will study seven core modules.

Professional Biomedical Practice - Core

Develop the key skills required to work in a biomedical research laboratory and to provide an understanding with practical experiences of the procedures used in the day-to-day running of a laboratory.

Develop a research project proposal based on a choice of potential projects and prepare a standard operating procedure for an appropriate technique.

You’ll take part in either a five-week Biomedical Employer-Led Challenge on-campus or an external professional placement activity to improve your employability and evaluate the skills your employers require.

Clinical Immunology - Core

Gain an understanding of immunological disease and disorders, transplantation, immunology, prophylaxis and immunotherapy.

You’ll cover immunological disorders and diseases, the spectrum of responses through hypersensitivity, immunodeficiency and autoimmunity, as well as the immune challenges of transplantation and cancer biology.

You’ll evaluate a range of laboratory tests used to diagnose and monitor the treatment of immunological conditions in linked practical sessions.

Haematology and Transfusion Science - Core

You’ll learn key haematology related disorders including anaemias, haematological malignancies and haemorrhagic and thrombotic diseases as well as transfusion science including core blood group systems, transfusion reactions and haemolytic diseases.

Study the evolutionary, functional and genetic aspects of histocompatibility and immunogenetics, together with their roles in transplantation and blood transfusion.


Clinical Microbiology - Core

Study the pathogenic mechanisms of various bacteria, viruses and fungi within the body including screening, diagnosis, treatment and monitoring techniques for infectious diseases. You’ll also be introduced to the One Health concept regarding global infectious diseases.

You’ll gain an understanding on antimicrobial therapy and resistance, including antibiotics, antivirals, antifungals and antiparasitic treatments. You’ll learn the principles of public health microbiology including epidemiology and disease control.

Molecular Diagnostics - Core

The use of genetically mutated gene products as drug targets, and their influence on personalised medicine will be addressed.

Explore how to identify genetic mutations and polymorphisms and how these molecular changes influence disease processes.

You’ll focus on the application of molecular biology techniques and bioinformatics to identify and characterise mutations. You’ll also cover the effects of these mutations on protein structure and function and link to biochemical testing.

Clinical Biochemistry - Core

Explore the key aspects of clinical biochemistry used to help diagnose and manage disease through analysis of body fluids such as blood and urine.

You’ll learn about the most common tests and the disease processes that can be used to identify and manage.

You’ll study case studies that will illustrate key processes for use of the techniques in diagnosis of a range of disorders including kidney function, liver function, glucose metabolism and diabetes, genetically inherited conditions, hormone systems and common tests that are used in an Accident and Emergency setting.

Cyto and Histopathology - Core

Explore the key aspects of cytopathology and histopathology used to help diagnose and manage disease through analysis of cell and tissue samples.

You’ll learn methods that can be combine with cellular pathology to aid diagnosis, such as scanning and imagining techniques.

You’ll use case studies to illustrate key processes for the use of the techniques in the diagnosis of a range of disorders where cell and tissue samples can be obtained from biopsy.

Year 3

During your third year, you will study five core modules.

Research Project - Core

You’ll perform an individual piece of research, generating your own data and analysing the significance of your findings. This may ben through laboratory research bioinformatics or computer modelling

As part of your project you’ll consider the relevant risk assessments, COSHH requirements and ethics for the work being undertaken.

Pharmacology - Core

You’ll be introduced to the key concepts of pharmacology relevant to practicing Biomedical Scientists.

Learn about the mechanisms of drug action to produce both therapeutic and adverse effects. Study the effects of route of administration on drug absorption, distribution and elimination as well as the metabolism of drugs and the effects of metabolites on the body function.

Cancer Biology - Core

You’ll build on the knowledge gained in first two years of your studies and gain an understanding of the nature of cancer, its causes, epidemiology, mechanisms and treatment.

You’ll consider the change in the cell cycle during carcinogenesis, the changes in histology during cancer development and the various treatment options for different forms of cancer.


Bioentrepreneurship - Core

You’ll study the concept of commercial exploitation of biomedical science discoveries and medical technologies.

You’ll use a business model canvas to evaluate your own idea and work in group project to investigate the commercialisation of an idea linked to your research, you’ll then present your idea in a ‘Dragons Den’ style presentation to members of staff.

Integrated Pathobiology - Core

You’ll navigate hypothetical case studies from the first GP appointment through the diagnosis and treatment plans where you’ll learn how to extract key information from patient notes to direct you towards requesting specific laboratory tests plus therapies for the choices provided.

As you progress you’ll receive new information about the cases such as hypothetical test results, more patient information and unusual results.

You’ll apply the knowledge you have learnt throughout your entire studies to navigate your case effectively.

Professional work placements

Experience matters. That's why we embed professional work placements within the majority of our standard undergraduate degrees.

How does it work?

Careers and Placements will work with you to find a placement or help you to arrange your own, whether that's in Leeds, another part of the UK or even abroad. You will be able to take part in a series of workshops, events and live ‘employer challenges’ to boost your confidence and prepare you for your placement.

During your placement, you could have an opportunity to gain degree-relevant work experience, build your knowledge of career sectors and secure valuable employer references and industry contacts. This experience will help you to shape your career decisions and find the right path for you.

In your second year you'll spend five weeks taking part in a Biomedical Science Employer-Led Challenge or on an external work placement, designed with support from our academic team, so you'll gain degree-relevant experience, sector knowledge, and valuable references and contacts to help guide your career decisions.

Our unique, on-campus Biomedical Science Employer-Led Challenge aims to enhance your employability skills by taking part in a real-life challenge provided by  local employers from the Biomedical Science sector. As well as developing your problem-solving skills, the challenge will see you experience full-time working conditions, so you'll also develop professional skills in areas such as time management, working to achieve aims and objectives and professional ethics.

Please note that our BSc (Hons) Biomedical Science degree does not include a work placement year, and any professional work placement experience accumulated during your studies will not count towards completion of the IBMS portfolio.

To find out how we can help you make your career ambitions a reality, visit:

Professional Work Placements

Got a question about the course?

Our Biomedical Science team are on hand to answer your questions, whether you want to know about the modules you'll be studying, where you can complete your professional placement or the types of assessments you'll do, they are here to help.

Learning and teaching


A variety of assessment methods are used, matched to the learning outcomes for your programme, allowing you to apply and demonstrate the full range of knowledge and skills that you have developed.

For more details on specific assessment methods for this course contact

Programme delivery

Your time on campus, learning through in-person teaching, is at the heart of your academic experience and the way we deliver our programmes. This is supported and further enhanced by additional engagement activities and opportunities provided online and through digital teaching materials. This blended approach seeks to ensure a positive learning and teaching student experience.

Your programme of study has been carefully designed around a three-phase model of delivery:

  1. Preparation: You will be given clear tasks to support you in preparing for live teaching. This could include watching a short-pre-recorded lecture, reading a paper or text chapter or preparing other material for use in class.
  2. Live: All your live teaching will be designed around active learning, providing you with valuable opportunities to build on preparation tasks, interact with staff and peers, and surface any misunderstandings.
  3. Post: Follow-up activities will include opportunities for you to check understanding, for staff to receive feedback from you and your peers to inform subsequent sessions, and for you to apply learning to new situations or context.

Preparation, Live and Post teaching and learning and the digital materials used will vary by course, but will be designed to help you structure your learning, take a full and active part in your course, and apply and test your developing knowledge and skills.

Learning and teaching

At Leeds Trinity we aim to provide an excellent student experience and provide you with the tools and support to help you achieve your academic, personal and professional potential.

Our Learning, Teaching and Assessment Strategy delivers excellence by providing the framework for:

  • high quality teaching
  • an engaging and inclusive approach to learning, assessment and achievement
  • a clear structure through which you progress in your academic studies, your personal development and towards professional-level employment or further study.

We have a strong reputation for developing student employability, supporting your development towards graduate employment, with relevant skills embedded throughout your programme of study.

We endeavour to develop curiosity, confidence, courage, ambition and aspiration in all students through the key themes in our Learning and Teaching Strategy:

  • Student Involvement and Engagement
  • Inclusion
  • Integrated Programme and Assessment Experience
  • Digital Literacy and Skills
  • Employability and Enterprise

To help you achieve your potential we emphasise learning as a collaborative process, with a range of student-led and real-world activities. This approach ensures that you fully engage in shaping your own learning, developing your critical thinking and reflective skills so that you can identify your own strengths and weaknesses, and use the extensive learning support system we offer to shape your own development.

We believe the secret to great learning and teaching is simple: it is about creating an inclusive learning experience that allows all students to thrive through:

  • Personalised support
  • Expert lecturers
  • Strong connections with employers
  • An international outlook
  • Understanding how to use tools and technology to support learning and development

Entry requirements

Leeds Trinity University is committed to recruiting students with talent and potential and who we feel will benefit greatly from their academic and non-academic experiences here. We treat every application on its own merits; we value highly the experience you illustrate in your personal statement.

Information about the large range of qualifications we accept, including A-Levels, BTECs and T Levels, can be found on our entry requirements page. If you need additional advice or are taking qualifications that are not covered in the information supplied, please contact our Admissions Office.

Entry requirements for this course:
UCAS tariff112-144
GCSE requirementsEnglish Language, Maths and Science at grade C or 4 or higher

Additional entry requirements

You will also need any one of the following:

  • A Level in Biology or Chemistry at grade B or higher.
  • BTEC Extended Diploma in Applied Science, Diploma, Subsidiary Diploma or Extended Certificate in Applied Science with at least one Distinction grade accepted in combination with other qualifications.
  • Access course either in a science subject or a wider health-related subject if it includes a minimum of 12 credits at Distinction grade in Biology or Chemistry.
  • International Baccalaureate (IB) – standard tariff but with a minimum of H6 in Biology or Chemistry. 

Minimum English Language entry requirements: For non-native speakers who have not been educated in the UK (or who do not have GCSE English Language)  an IELTS score of 7.0 with a minimum of 6.5 in reading, listening, speaking and writing is required.   

This course is not available to students on a Student Route Visa.

Recognition of Prior Learning

You may also get direct entry to level 5 through Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL).

To gain direct entry to level 5 of the programme you must have completed and passed another level 4 IBMS accredited programme at another institution. The relevant mapping documents comparing module and course level outcomes will be completed to allow entry onto level 5 of the course.

Please contact the Admissions team if you would like to discuss your prior learning, you will be supported through the process of applying for RPL by the Admissions team and the programme team.

Please note that direct entry to level 5 via RPL of this course is available for entry from September 2025.

Fees and finance

UK Home fees £9,250 per year


UK Home Students:

Tuition fees cost £9,250 a year for this course in 2024/2025.

Part-time tuition fees will be prorated accordingly to the number of credits you're studying.

Depending on government policy, tuition fees may change in future years.

Tuition fees for 2025/2026 entry will be confirmed, subject to government approval, later in 2024.

Living costs, e.g. accommodation, travel, food, will also need to be taken into consideration.

Leeds Trinity offers a range of bursaries and scholarships to help support students while you study.

Additional costs

We advise students that there may be additional course costs in addition to annual tuition fees:

  • Recommended and required reading lists will be provided at the start of your course. All the books and e-books are available from our Library to borrow but you may choose to purchase your own.
  • On some courses there may be additional costs, such as field trips, equipment, accreditations, that may be part-funded by the University. More details will be provided at the start of the course.
  • You'll need to include placement/s travel and associated costs too, however the University will contribute a standard amount towards your total expenditure.
  • The University provides students with a £6 printing credit each academic year which can be topped up either on campus or online.

How to apply

For full-time undergraduate courses, you apply through UCAS. That's the University and Colleges Admissions Service.

On your application form, you'll need to know our institution code - it's L24 - and the course code. If you click through to the UCAS website using the button below, it'll take you to the right place with all the information you need.

You'll need to write a personal statement - we've prepared a guide to help you.

Applications are now open for courses starting in September 2025. The UCAS application deadline for courses starting in September 2025 is 29 January 2025.

There's lots more information about the application process on the UCAS website, or you can get in touch with our admissions team who will be happy to help:

This course is not available to students on a Student Route Visa.

Graduate opportunities

Providing you with the opportunity to develop the professional skills and experience you need to launch your career is at the heart of everything we do at Leeds Trinity University.

Our Biomedical Science degree aims to prepare you for work as a laboratory or non-laboratory-based scientist across the public, private and voluntary sectors. You could pursue a biomedical science role in the NHS, in hospital laboratories or research positions, but opportunities also exist in the veterinary, industrial and food industries, the pharmaceutical or biotechnology sector or in public health.

Other career routes may include scientific writing, scientific intellectual property, science-specific sales and marketing, education or teaching. You could also consider postgraduate academic research or further study in an area that you find of interest.

After you graduate, Careers and Placements will help you as you pursue your chosen career through our mentoring scheme, support with CV and interview preparation and access to graduate employability events.

To find out how we can help you make your career ambitions a reality, visit:


Meet the team

Staff profile photo of lecturer, Osaretin (Godwin) Igharo..
Health Osaretin Godwin Igharo
View Profile
Staff profile photo of Technician, Cassie Riley..
Life Sciences Cassie Riley
View Profile
Staff profile photo of Biomedical Science Technician, Peter Green..
Life Sciences Peter Green
View Profile
Profile photo of lecturer, Anne Coufopoulos..
Nursing Anne Coufopoulos
View Profile

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