Leeds Trinity University invites you to our third annual in-person Black Lives Matter: Health, Education and Leadership conference.
About this event
Leeds Trinity University is the first university in Yorkshire to have achieved the Race Equality Charter (REC) Bronze award and we are pleased to invite you to the third annual in-person Black Lives Matter: Health, Education and Leadership conference. This conference is in partnership with Go Higher West Yorkshire, the Northern School of Contemporary Dance and Leeds Learning Alliance.
Racism manifests itself in many cancerous ways from tokenistic statements of solidarity to health disparities, inequitable educational outcomes, and a lack of representation of Black people in leadership roles. This year’s theme focuses on the interplay of physical/mental health, education, and leadership on the lived experiences of Black people. The underlying theme of this conference is accountability, transparency and action. This insightful conference promises to encourage discussion, reflection and will challenge anti-Blackness in its many forms.
What’s happening?
A mixture of keynote talks, workshops and a panel discussion, the timetable is as follows:
8.50 – 9.25am Guest arrival and registration
9.30 – 10.00am Opening of the conference with Shames Maskeen (Lecturer in Psychology, Leeds Trinity University) and Charles Egbu (Vice Chancellor, Leeds Trinity University)
10.00 – 10.30am Keynote Speaker: Foluke Ajayi (Chief Executive, Airedale NHS Foundation Trust) – Overview of Black physical and mental health disparities: A sharing of personal experiences and reflections
10.30 – 11.00am Keynote Speaker: Nathan Ghann (Programme Director, The Educate Group) – Solving for the Black Degree Awarding Gap
11.00 – 11.15am Comfort break
11.15 – 11.45am Keynote Speaker: Heather Paul (Senior Lecturer, Leeds Beckett University) - The Black Woman Activist Behind the Blue Plaque
11.45 – 12.15pm Short Film: Ricardo Barker (Associate Professor, Leeds Trinity University) – Screening of Re:Tension
12.15 – 1.05pm Lunch
1.05 – 2.00pm Student panel with Jess Asamoa (Leeds Conservatoire), Tito Balogun (Leeds Trinity University), David Ojo (Leeds Trinity University) and Lewis Miles-Berry (Leeds Trinity University)
2.00 – 2.55pm Choice of workshops
- A Toolkit for Race Equity: Self work, activism and leading change with Tamsin Bowers-Brown (Director of the Office for Institutional Equity, Leeds Trinity University)
- Delivering Racially Inclusive Advertising: How to Embed an Anti-racist Approach with Nathan Ghann (Programme Director, The Educate Group)
- What is your canon? Challenging racial stereotypes and increasing representation with Dermot Daly (Senior Lecturer, Leeds Conservatoire)
- Inclusive Behaviours Vs Inclusive Practice with Melina Healy (Learning Development Lecturer and Co-Chair of the Race Equality Charter, St Mary’s University)
- Health Inequalities in the Black Community with Faye Bruce (Chair of Board of the Carribbean and African Health Network) and Charles Kwaku-Odoi (Chief Officer of the Caribbean and African Health Network)
- Disclosure with Ricardo Barker (Associate Professor and Producer, Director of Narrative Dramas, Leeds Trinity University)
2.55 – 3.10pm Comfort Break
3.10 – 3.40pm Keynote Speaker: David Mba (Deputy Vice-Chancellor, University of the Arts London) – Ethnic Representation Index
3.40 – 4.40pm Leader Panel discussion and Q&A about anti-racist leadership with:
- Charles Egbu (Vice Chancellor, Leeds Trinity University)
- Sharon Watson MBE, DL (CEO and Principal, Northern School of Contemporary Dance)
- David Mba (Deputy Vice-Chancellor, University of the Arts London)
- Anne Mwangi (Head of the Race Equality Charter, Advance HE)
- Tamsin Bowers-Brown (Director of the Office for Institutional Equity, Leeds Trinity University)
- Simon Flowers (Executive Principal, Carr Manor Community School and CEO, Leeds Learning Alliance)
4.40 – 4.50pm Performance by Northern School of Contemporary Dance with Sharon Watson
4.50 – 5.00pm Closing remarks with Charles Egbu
5.00 – 5.30pm Networking
When and where?
Wednesday 24 May 2023 in person at Leeds Trinity University
9.00am – 5.00pm
Who should attend?
Everyone is welcome to attend.
How to book
Booking for this event has now ended.
Further information
If you have any queries regarding the event, please contact Shames Maskeen.